Beem Biologics discovers biological complex ISO-Extracts™


Beem Biologics,Inc. recently announced that the discovery of ISO-Extracts™, a natural biological complex applied to plants by spray or irrigation.

Lance Beem, Chief Science Officer and a 35-year veteran in the crop protection industry, made these multiple discoveries of the ISO-Extracts™ in early field trials to treat nematodes.

The impact on plant health and increase in flowers, fruit and seed , became evident while initially testing the complex for plant pest control. As important as the plant protection aspects of these compounds are, it has also been documented these compounds significantly increase plant health and yields.

A series of patents were filed and expanded field trials are currently on-going in the US and South America. According to Beem, ISO-Extracts ™ will add a significant tool to growers adopting sustainable growing practices for conventional and organic crops. ISO-Extracts™ work well in combination with synthetically derived chemical compounds and formulations.

Field trials through university, private research firms and in-house studies over the past 24 months confirm ISO-Extracts™ significantly promote healthy, yet rapid growth, fruiting and higher yields in agriculture, hydroponic, turf and landscape crops.

According to Stephen Butler, CEO, “Commercial field trials which began in 2014, indicate high efficacy with low application rates of 1 – 3 pints per acre per crop cycle. Performance and cost are the key benefits of ISO-Extracts™ and make this discovery a real ‘game changer’ in crop production.”

Beem Biologics, Inc. was incorporated in 2015, to commercialize this patent-pending discovery. The company has a research facility in Woodland, California and a processing and manufacturing facility in Arizona. Initial funding for research, trials, and regulatory compliance came from a seed capital round completed in 2015.

The Company will offer ISO-Extracts™ in organic and synthetic fertilizer formulations beginning in the fall of 2016. In addition, BBI is offering ISO-Extracts™ formulations to crop protection industry manufacturers through license agreements.

Source:        Beem Biologics,Inc.