The New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries has published a guidance document to explain the information that should accompany an application to register an agricultural chemical that contains a micro-organism under the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) Act 1997.
According to this document, an application for registration of a microbial agricultural chemicals (MAC) has to include technical data and/or scientifically sound arguments to support:
1. the quality, purity and stability of the product
2. the product’s efficacy for all label claims
3. crop safety
4. in regard to maximum residue levels (MRLs):
• the establishment of an MRL resulting from trial work that adheres to the residue guidelines (see 4.5 below), or
• an argument or data to show that the MAI fits an existing exception in the MRL Notice (Schedule 2) or to promulgate a new exception
5. any possible impact on trade resulting from the use of the MAC in crops, and/or carry over residues as a result feed crops in food-producing animals, if applicable.